Thursday, May 10, 2007

work again

I came home yesterday bawling before my front door. haha. what a scene man! my feet were screaming "SAVE US!!! if not we'll just fall apart".. for the first time in my entire pampered life, i stood for 12 hours non-stop. 12 CRAZY hours. wowee.. 7-7 shift was more difficult than i thought it was. what was worse was that i think because i'm new, they won't let me do stuff. but i really do want to learn! especially those beautiful set ups, like the ones i saw yesterday. but ahh.. nevermind, i think the supervisors are all too busy. thankfully, i did manage to learn a tea cup arrangement and a UN look-a-like fork arrangement. haha! cool yah. by the way, my chinese is really pro now... don't be suprised if i speak to you in chinese. hahaha...

Thank God that He has carried me through all things big and small! : ) wowee.. He's really a good God! i mean i'm really really blessed for the good relationships built with everyone in my workplace, if not, i'd probably want to quit... hehh. ahh well, a good and learning experience each and everyday. not excluding my pay (which i collected today! woohoooo!), which is pretty rewarding. hah.

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