Today was such a fine day it made me want to take random pictures. My dog, Billy, the cutest dog on earth, went for a hair cut today. Doesn't he look the cutest? And no.. he's not from men in black. haha. though he does talk sometimes. My dog is really spoiled. A brat! Unlike other dogs who munch on their food like hungry animals, my dog is refined. He's fed. By me. On the sofa. All he does is sniff his food, and look away. haha. Sometimes, I have to add some dried chicken jerkey or fish on top of his daily meal, like sprinkles on a cupcake, to make him eat. sigh. what a dog.

Mom and I have been busy making fruit cakes and brownies for a wedding this saturday morning. About 500 boxes in total! And we're still now done. 100 more to go! Here's a snapshot of the brownies we made:
And the fruit cakes in the boxes:

Last sunday, Justina, a girl who went to CUHK for exchange the semester before I did, came to visit barker! We had lunch with tatt at fareast after sunday school. I think God planned it such that we would meet! I heard from my room mate in hong kong, Emily, about Justina, and how much fun they had together. She's from NUS and a Christian too! And she used to come to barker. Haha. how cool is that!
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