Tuesday, May 15, 2007

loving people

God reminded me that even as I am powerless and inadequate, even as I am tired and weary, or even when I feel at a loss, confused, in despair, God is ever present. I shall not dwell too much on work again (hee) but though it seems insignicant, work taught me the meaning of what truly depending on God means. It is indeed difficult and hard to surrender all my pride for the purpose of being humble and to actually truly love my neighbour.

A daily devotional from Words of Hope which i found apt:

External pressures abound in our world: job changes, financial stress, medical conditions . . . the list is endless. David had more than his share of troubles, too. Hadn't Samuel promised he would be king? Where was his palace, his wealth, his royal robes? Instead, David is hiding in caves with a ragtag bunch of outlaws. His territory is a barren desert, and his enemies are hot on his trail. Some kingdom, huh?

Despite the outward and obvious opposition, in many ways David's worst enemy was himself. Throughout his life, David—this giant of faith!—falls prey to just about every conceivable human frailty. But David's all-too-real and obvious sins are what make him all the easier for us, who are likewise weak and flawed creatures, to identify with. What temptations do you secretly battle? What inward challenges cause you to falter or stumble in your attempt to follow Jesus?

What begins as a psalm of praise ends in petitionary prayer. Here is what truly makes David a giant of faith and a model of hope for us. In the hour of deepest need, when "human help is worthless" (v. 12), it is God "who will tread down our foes"—whether those foes are external enemies or the inner demons of our own nature. God alone is the ultimate deliverer. Put your trust in him!

trust trust trust


. said...

Hang on Robyn!

Working in the outside world is never easy!

I'm working too so we're all in the same boat!

Have a blessed day!

melissa said...

Hey Robyn! Found your new blog! U worked as a hotel banquet waitress?? Wow...I think I'm too klutzy to take on tt job